You will need:

  • eggs

  • dye material of choice (see below)

  • white vinegar

  • old tights or cheesecloth

  • natural twine

  • foraged edible plants or herbs

  • 1 teaspoon of salt

  • oil, for polishing

How to make:

  1. First you need to prepare your dye! Fill half a pot with your dye material (or just 2 tablespoons if you’re using turmeric), then cover with water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and let simmer for around an hour, then turn the heat off and let it cool to room temperature. 

  2. While the dye is cooling, add a few of tablespoons of white vinegar and a teaspoon of salt to a large bowl, then fill halfway with warm water. Add your eggs and allow them to soak for around 20 minutes. Then lift the eggs out, rinse and set aside to dry.

  3. Next to prepare the tights and/or cheesecloth by cutting squares of the material out (around 10cm square for tights and 15cm for cheesecloth).

  4. Now take a leaf (flat-leafed parsley works particularly well) and hold it against the eggshell. Then wrap both tightly in your fabric and secure with twine - ensure that the leaf is securely positioned against the surface of the egg. 

  5. Take the cooled pots of dye and strain to remove the material, reserving the liquid. Add a little white vinegar to each and add your eggs into the liquid. Next, bring to the boil over a medium-high heat. Once the pot reaches a boil, remove from the heat and allow them to cool. This will give you hardboiled eggs with a soft yolk, but leave for longer if you prefer harder boiled eggs. As the pots cool, turn the eggs now and then to ensure an even coating of dye.

  6. Once all of the dyes have cooled to room temperature, assess the colour. If you prefer a more intense tone, leave the eggs in the liquid and place the whole pot in the fridge overnight, turning them every so often to ensure the colour coats the eggs evenly.

  7. Once you are happy, gently remove them from the liquid dyes and remove the fabric. Once they have dried completely, add a vegetable oil to the surface to bring out the design and make them shine. Your botanical eggs are now ready to serve! 

Turmeric: yellow

Red cabbage: light blue/teal

Blueberries: purple/blue/lavender

Red onion skins: red/yellow-red

White onion skins: gold/orange/red

Beetroot: pink/light red/pink-yellow

Turmeric & Purple cabbage: green/blue-green